libssh  0.11.0
The SSH library
No Matches
Chapter 10: The SFTP asynchronous I/O

The SFTP asynchronous I/O

NOTE : Please read Chapter 5: The SFTP subsystem before reading this page. The synchronous sftp_read() and sftp_write() have been described there.

SFTP AIO stands for "SFTP Asynchronous Input/Output". This API contains functions which perform async read/write operations on remote files.

File transfers performed using the asynchronous sftp aio API can be significantly faster than the file transfers performed using the synchronous sftp read/write API (see sftp_read() and sftp_write()).

The sftp aio API functions are divided into two categories :

  • sftp_aio_begin_*() [see sftp_aio_begin_read(), sftp_aio_begin_write()]: These functions send a request for an i/o operation to the server and provide the caller an sftp aio handle corresponding to the sent request.
  • sftp_aio_wait_*() [see sftp_aio_wait_read(), sftp_aio_wait_write()]: These functions wait for the server response corresponding to a previously issued request. Which request ? the request corresponding to the sftp aio handle supplied by the caller to these functions.

Conceptually, you can think of the sftp aio handle as a request identifier.

Technically, the sftp_aio_begin_*() functions dynamically allocate memory to store information about the i/o request they send and provide the caller a handle to this memory, we call this handle an sftp aio handle.

sftp_aio_wait_*() functions use the information stored in that memory (handled by the caller supplied sftp aio handle) to identify a request, and then they wait for that request's response. These functions also release the memory handled by the caller supplied sftp aio handle (except when they return SSH_AGAIN).

sftp_aio_free() can also be used to release the memory handled by an sftp aio handle but unlike the sftp_aio_wait_*() functions, it doesn't wait for a response. This should be used to release the memory corresponding to an sftp aio handle when some failure occurs. An example has been provided at the end of this page to show the usage of sftp_aio_free().

To begin with, this tutorial will provide basic examples that describe the usage of sftp aio API to perform a single read/write operation.

The later sections describe the usage of the sftp aio API to obtain faster file transfers as compared to the transfers performed using the synchronous sftp read/write API.

On encountering an error, the sftp aio API functions set the sftp and ssh errors just like any other libssh sftp API function. These errors can be obtained using sftp_get_error(), ssh_get_error() and ssh_get_error_code(). The code examples provided on this page ignore error handling for the sake of brevity.

Using the sftp aio API for reading (a basic example)

For performing an async read operation on a sftp file (see sftp_open()), the first step is to call sftp_aio_begin_read() to send a read request to the server. The caller is provided an sftp aio handle corresponding to the sent read request.

The second step is to pass a pointer to this aio handle to sftp_aio_wait_read(), this function waits for the server response which indicates the success/failure of the read request. On success, the response indicates EOF or contains the data read from the sftp file.

The following code example shows how a read operation can be performed on an sftp file using the sftp aio API.

ssize_t read_chunk(sftp_file file, void *buf, size_t to_read)
ssize_t bytes_requested, bytes_read;
// Variable to store an sftp aio handle
sftp_aio aio = NULL;
// Send a read request to the sftp server
bytes_requested = sftp_aio_begin_read(file, to_read, &aio);
if (bytes_requested == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
// Here its possible that (bytes_requested < to_read) as specified in
// the function documentation of sftp_aio_begin_read()
// Wait for the response of the read request corresponding to the
// sftp aio handle stored in the aio variable.
bytes_read = sftp_aio_wait_read(&aio, buf, to_read);
if (bytes_read == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
return bytes_read;
LIBSSH_API ssize_t sftp_aio_wait_read(sftp_aio *aio, void *buf, size_t buf_size)
Wait for an asynchronous read to complete and store the read data in the supplied buffer.
Definition sftp_aio.c:137
LIBSSH_API ssize_t sftp_aio_begin_read(sftp_file file, size_t len, sftp_aio *aio)
Start an asynchronous read from a file using an opened sftp file handle.
Definition sftp_aio.c:53
Definition sftp_aio.c:35

Using the sftp aio API for writing (a basic example)

For performing an async write operation on a sftp file (see sftp_open()), the first step is to call sftp_aio_begin_write() to send a write request to the server. The caller is provided an sftp aio handle corresponding to the sent write request.

The second step is to pass a pointer to this aio handle to sftp_aio_wait_write(), this function waits for the server response which indicates the success/failure of the write request.

The following code example shows how a write operation can be performed on an sftp file using the sftp aio API.

ssize_t write_chunk(sftp_file file, void *buf, size_t to_write)
ssize_t bytes_requested, bytes_written;
// Variable to store an sftp aio handle
sftp_aio aio = NULL;
// Send a write request to the sftp server
bytes_requested = sftp_aio_begin_write(file, buf, to_write, &aio);
if (bytes_requested == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
// Here its possible that (bytes_requested < to_write) as specified in
// the function documentation of sftp_aio_begin_write()
// Wait for the response of the write request corresponding to
// the sftp aio handle stored in the aio variable.
bytes_written = sftp_aio_wait_write(&aio);
if (bytes_written == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
return bytes_written;
LIBSSH_API ssize_t sftp_aio_wait_write(sftp_aio *aio)
Wait for an asynchronous write to complete.
Definition sftp_aio.c:405
LIBSSH_API ssize_t sftp_aio_begin_write(sftp_file file, const void *buf, size_t len, sftp_aio *aio)
Start an asynchronous write to a file using an opened sftp file handle.
Definition sftp_aio.c:310

Using the sftp aio API to speed up a transfer

The above examples were provided to introduce the sftp aio API. This is not how the sftp aio API is intended to be used, because the above usage offers no advantage over the synchronous sftp read/write API which does the same thing i.e issue a request and then immediately wait for its response.

The facility that the sftp aio API provides is that the user can do anything between issuing a request and getting the corresponding response. Any number of operations can be performed after calling sftp_aio_begin_*() [which issues a request] and before calling sftp_aio_wait_*() [which waits for a response]

The code can leverage this feature by calling sftp_aio_begin_*() multiple times to issue multiple requests before calling sftp_aio_wait_*() to wait for the response of an earlier issued request. This approach will keep a certain number of requests outstanding at the client side.

After issuing those requests, while the client code does something else (for example waiting for an outstanding request's response, processing an obtained response, issuing another request or any other operation the client wants to perform), at the same time :

  • Some of those outstanding requests may be travelling over the network towards the server.
  • Some of the outstanding requests may have reached the server and may be queued for processing at the server side.
  • Some of the outstanding requests may have been processed and the corresponding responses may be travelling over the network towards the client.
  • Some of the responses corresponding to the outstanding requests may have already reached the client side.

Clearly in this case, operations that the client performs and operations involved in transfer/processing of a outstanding request can occur in parallel. Also, operations involved in transfer/processing of two or more outstanding requests may also occur in parallel (for example when one request travels to the server, another request's response may be incoming towards the client). Such kind of parallelism makes the overall transfer faster as compared to a transfer performed using the synchronous sftp read/write API.

When the synchronous sftp read/write API is used to perform a transfer, a strict sequence is followed:

  • The client issues a single read/write request.
  • Then waits for its response.
  • On obtaining the response, the client processes it.
  • After the processing ends, the client issues the next read/write request.

A file transfer performed in this manner would be slower than the case where multiple read/write requests are kept outstanding at the client side. Because here at any given time, operations related to transfer/processing of only one request/response pair occurs. This is in contrast to the multiple outstanding requests scenario where operations related to transfer/processing of multiple request/response pairs may occur at the same time.

Although it's true that keeping multiple requests outstanding can speed up a transfer, those outstanding requests come at a cost of increased memory consumption both at the client side and the server side. Hence care must be taken to use a reasonable limit for the number of requests kept outstanding.

The further sections provide code examples to show how uploads/downloads can be performed using the sftp aio API and the concept of outstanding requests discussed in this section. In those code examples, error handling has been ignored and at some places pseudo code has been used for the sake of brevity.

The complete code for performing uploads/downloads using the sftp aio API, can be found at

  • libssh benchmarks for uploads performed using the sftp aio API [See tests/benchmarks/bench_sftp.c]
  • libssh benchmarks for downloads performed using the sftp aio API. [See tests/benchmarks/bench_sftp.c]
  • libssh sftp ft API code for performing a local to remote transfer (upload). [See src/sftp_ft.c]
  • libssh sftp ft API code for performing a remote to local transfer (download). [See src/sftp_ft.c]

Capping applied by the sftp aio API

Before the code examples for uploads and downloads, its important to know about the capping applied by the sftp aio API.

sftp_aio_begin_read() caps the number of bytes the caller can request to read from the remote file. That cap is the value of the max_read_length field of the sftp_limits_t returned by sftp_limits(). Say that cap is LIM and the caller passes x as the number of bytes to read to sftp_aio_begin_read(), then (assuming no error occurs) :

  • if x <= LIM, then sftp_aio_begin_read() will request the server to read x bytes from the remote file, and will return x.
  • if x > LIM, then sftp_aio_begin_read() will request the server to read LIM bytes from the remote file and will return LIM.

Hence to request server to read x bytes (> LIM), the caller would have to call sftp_aio_begin_read() multiple times, typically in a loop and break out of the loop when the summation of return values of the multiple sftp_aio_begin_read() calls becomes equal to x.

For the sake of simplicity, the code example for download in the upcoming section would always ask sftp_aio_begin_read() to read x <= LIM bytes, so that its return value is guaranteed to be x, unless an error occurs.

Similarly, sftp_aio_begin_write() caps the number of bytes the caller can request to write to the remote file. That cap is the value of max_write_length field of the sftp_limits_t returned by sftp_limits(). Say that cap is LIM and the caller passes x as the number of bytes to write to sftp_aio_begin_write(), then (assuming no error occurs) :

  • if x <= LIM, then sftp_aio_begin_write() will request the server to write x bytes to the remote file, and will return x.
  • if x > LIM, then sftp_aio_begin_write() will request the server to write LIM bytes to the remote file and will return LIM.

Hence to request server to write x bytes (> LIM), the caller would have to call sftp_aio_begin_write() multiple times, typically in a loop and break out of the loop when the summation of return values of the multiple sftp_aio_begin_write() calls becomes equal to x.

For the sake of simplicity, the code example for upload in the upcoming section would always ask sftp_aio_begin_write() to write x <= LIM bytes, so that its return value is guaranteed to be x, unless an error occurs.

Performing a download using the sftp aio API

Terminologies used in the following code snippets :

  • sftp : The sftp_session opened using sftp_new() and initialised using sftp_init()
  • file : The sftp file handle of the remote file to download data from. (See sftp_open())
  • file_size : the size of the sftp file to download. This size can be obtained by statting the remote file to download (e.g by using sftp_stat())
  • We will need to maintain a queue which will be used to store the sftp aio handles corresponding to the outstanding requests.

First, we issue the read requests while ensuring that their count doesn't exceed a particular limit decided by us, and the number of bytes requested don't exceed the size of the file to download.

sftp_aio aio = NULL;
// Chunk size to use for the transfer
size_t chunk_size;
// For the limits structure that would be used
// by the code to set the chunk size
sftp_limits_t lim = NULL;
// Max number of requests to keep outstanding at a time
size_t in_flight_requests = 5;
// Number of bytes for which requests have been sent
size_t total_bytes_requested = 0;
// Number of bytes which have been downloaded
size_t bytes_downloaded = 0;
// Buffer to use for the download
char *buffer = NULL;
// Helper variables
size_t to_read;
ssize_t bytes_requested;
// Get the sftp limits
lim = sftp_limits(sftp);
if (lim == NULL) {
// handle error
// Set the chunk size for download = the max limit for reading
// The reason for this has been given in the "Capping applied by
// the sftp aio API" section (Its to make the code simpler)
// Assigning a size_t type variable a uint64_t type value here,
// theoretically could cause an overflow, but practically
// max_read_length would never exceed SIZE_MAX so its okay.
chunk_size = lim->max_read_length;
buffer = malloc(chunk_size);
if (buffer == NULL) {
// handle error
... // Code to open the remote file (to download) using sftp_open().
... // Code to stat the remote file's file size.
... // Code to open the local file in which downloaded data is to be stored.
... // Code to initialize the queue which will be used to store sftp aio
// handles.
for (i = 0;
i < in_flight_requests && total_bytes_requested < file_size;
++i) {
to_read = file_size - total_bytes_requested;
if (to_read > chunk_size) {
to_read = chunk_size;
// Issue a read request
bytes_requested = sftp_aio_begin_read(file, to_read, &aio);
if (bytes_requested == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
if ((size_t)bytes_requested < to_read) {
// Should not happen for this code, as the to_read is <=
// max limit for reading (chunk size), so there is no reason
// for sftp_aio_begin_read() to return a lesser value.
total_bytes_requested += (size_t)bytes_requested;
// Pseudo code
ENQUEUE aio in the queue;
LIBSSH_API sftp_limits_t sftp_limits(sftp_session sftp)
Get information about the various limits the server might impose.
Definition sftp.c:2821
SFTP limits structure.
Definition sftp.h:209
uint64_t max_read_length
Definition sftp.h:211

At this point, at max in_flight_requests number of requests may be outstanding. Now we wait for the response corresponding to the earliest issued outstanding request.

On getting that response, we issue another read request if there are still some bytes in the sftp file (to download) for which we haven't sent the read request. (This happens when total_bytes_requested < file_size)

This issuing of another read request (under a condition) is done to keep the number of outstanding requests equal to the value of the in_flight_requests variable.

This process has to be repeated for every remaining outstanding request.

while (the queue is not empty) {
// Pseudo code
aio = DEQUEUE an sftp aio handle from the queue of sftp aio handles;
// Wait for the response of the request corresponding to the aio
bytes_read = sftp_aio_wait_read(&aio, buffer, chunk_size);
if (bytes_read == SSH_ERROR) {
//handle error
bytes_downloaded += bytes_read;
if (bytes_read != chunk_size && bytes_downloaded != file_size) {
// A short read encountered on the remote file before reaching EOF,
// short read before reaching EOF should never happen for the sftp aio
// API which respects the max limit for reading. This probably
// indicates a bad server.
// Pseudo code
WRITE bytes_read bytes from the buffer into the local file
in which downloaded data is to be stored ;
if (total_bytes_requested == file_size) {
// no need to issue more read requests
// else issue a read request
to_read = file_size - total_bytes_requested;
if (to_read > chunk_size) {
to_read = chunk_size;
bytes_requested = sftp_aio_begin_read(file, to_read, &aio);
if (bytes_requested == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
if ((size_t)bytes_requested < to_read) {
// Should not happen for this code, as the to_read is <=
// max limit for reading (chunk size), so there is no reason
// for sftp_aio_begin_read() to return a lesser value.
total_bytes_requested += bytes_requested;
// Pseudo code
ENQUEUE aio in the queue;
... // Code to destroy the queue which was used to store the sftp aio
// handles.
LIBSSH_API void sftp_limits_free(sftp_limits_t limits)
Free the memory of an allocated limits.
Definition sftp.c:2848

After exiting the while (the queue is not empty) loop, the download would've been complete (assuming no error occurs).

Performing an upload using the sftp aio API

Terminologies used in the following code snippets :

  • sftp : The sftp_session opened using sftp_new() and initialised using sftp_init()
  • file : The sftp file handle of the remote file in which uploaded data is to be stored. (See sftp_open())
  • file_size : The size of the local file to upload. This size can be obtained by statting the local file to upload (e.g by using stat())
  • We will need maintain a queue which will be used to store the sftp aio handles corresponding to the outstanding requests.

First, we issue the write requests while ensuring that their count doesn't exceed a particular limit decided by us, and the number of bytes requested to write don't exceed the size of the file to upload.

sftp_aio aio = NULL;
// The chunk size to use for the transfer
size_t chunk_size;
// For the limits structure that would be used by
// the code to set the chunk size
sftp_limits_t lim = NULL;
// Max number of requests to keep outstanding at a time
size_t in_flight_requests = 5;
// Total number of bytes for which write requests have been sent
size_t total_bytes_requested = 0;
// Buffer to use for the upload
char *buffer = NULL;
// Helper variables
size_t to_write;
ssize_t bytes_requested;
// Get the sftp limits
lim = sftp_limits(sftp);
if (lim == NULL) {
// handle error
// Set the chunk size for upload = the max limit for writing.
// The reason for this has been given in the "Capping applied by
// the sftp aio API" section (Its to make the code simpler)
// Assigning a size_t type variable a uint64_t type value here,
// theoretically could cause an overflow, but practically
// max_write_length would never exceed SIZE_MAX so its okay.
chunk_size = lim->max_write_length;
buffer = malloc(chunk_size);
if (buffer == NULL) {
// handle error
... // Code to open the local file (to upload) [e.g using open(), fopen()].
... // Code to stat the local file's file size [e.g using stat()].
... // Code to open the remote file in which uploaded data will be stored [see
// sftp_open()].
... // Code to initialize the queue which will be used to store sftp aio
// handles.
for (i = 0;
i < in_flight_requests && total_bytes_requested < file_size;
++i) {
to_write = file_size - total_bytes_requested;
if (to_write > chunk_size) {
to_write = chunk_size;
// Pseudo code
READ to_write bytes from the local file (to upload) into the buffer;
bytes_requested = sftp_aio_begin_write(file, buffer, to_write, &aio);
if (bytes_requested == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
if ((size_t)bytes_requested < to_write) {
// Should not happen for this code, as the to_write is <=
// max limit for writing (chunk size), so there is no reason
// for sftp_aio_begin_write() to return a lesser value.
total_bytes_requested += (size_t)bytes_requested;
// Pseudo code
ENQUEUE aio in the queue;
uint64_t max_write_length
Definition sftp.h:212

At this point, at max in_flight_requests number of requests may be outstanding. Now we wait for the response corresponding to the earliest issued outstanding request.

On getting that response, we issue another write request if there are still some bytes in the local file (to upload) for which we haven't sent the write request. (This happens when total_bytes_requested < file_size)

This issuing of another write request (under a condition) is done to keep the number of outstanding requests equal to the value of the in_flight_requests variable.

This process has to be repeated for every remaining outstanding request.

while (the queue is not empty) {
// Pseudo code
aio = DEQUEUE an sftp aio handle from the queue of sftp aio handles;
// Wait for the response of the request corresponding to the aio
bytes_written = sftp_aio_wait_write(&aio);
if (bytes_written == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
// sftp_aio_wait_write() won't report a short write, so no need
// to check for a short write here.
if (total_bytes_requested == file_size) {
// no need to issue more write requests
// else issue a write request
to_write = file_size - total_bytes_requested;
if (to_write > chunk_size) {
to_write = chunk_size;
// Pseudo code
READ to_write bytes from the local file (to upload) into a buffer;
bytes_requested = sftp_aio_begin_write(file, buffer, to_write, &aio);
if (bytes_requested == SSH_ERROR) {
// handle error
if ((size_t)bytes_requested < to_write) {
// Should not happen for this code, as the to_write is <=
// max limit for writing (chunk size), so there is no reason
// for sftp_aio_begin_write() to return a lesser value.
total_bytes_requested += (size_t)bytes_requested;
// Pseudo code
ENQUEUE aio in the queue;
... // Code to destroy the queue which was used to store the sftp aio
// handles.

After exiting the while (the queue is not empty) loop, the upload would've been complete (assuming no error occurs).

Example showing the usage of sftp_aio_free()

The purpose of sftp_aio_free() was discussed at the beginning of this page, the following code example shows how it can be used during cleanup.

void print_sftp_error(sftp_session sftp)
if (sftp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "sftp error : %d\n", sftp_get_error(sftp));
fprintf(stderr, "ssh error : %s\n", ssh_get_error(sftp->session));
// Returns 0 on success, -1 on error
int write_strings(sftp_file file)
const char * strings[] = {
"This is the first string",
"This is the second string",
"This is the third string",
"This is the fourth string"
size_t string_count = sizeof(strings) / sizeof(strings[0]);
size_t i;
sftp_session sftp = NULL;
sftp_aio aio = NULL;
int rc;
if (file == NULL) {
return -1;
... // Code to initialize the queue which will be used to store sftp aio
// handles
sftp = file->sftp;
for (i = 0; i < string_count; ++i) {
if (rc == SSH_ERROR) {
goto err;
// Pseudo code
ENQUEUE aio in the queue of sftp aio handles
for (i = 0; i < string_count; ++i) {
// Pseudo code
aio = DEQUEUE an sftp aio handle from the queue of sftp aio handles;
rc = sftp_aio_wait_write(&aio);
if (rc == SSH_ERROR) {
goto err;
... // Code to destroy the queue in which sftp aio handles were
// stored
return 0;
while (queue is not empty) {
// Pseudo code
aio = DEQUEUE an sftp aio handle from the queue of sftp aio handles;
... // Code to destroy the queue in which sftp aio handles were
// stored.
return -1;
LIBSSH_API const char * ssh_get_error(void *error)
Retrieve the error text message from the last error.
Definition error.c:128
LIBSSH_API void sftp_aio_free(sftp_aio aio)
Deallocate memory corresponding to a sftp aio handle.
Definition sftp_aio.c:48
LIBSSH_API int sftp_get_error(sftp_session sftp)
Get the last sftp error.
Definition sftp.c:409