libssh  0.10.90
The SSH library
No Matches
Deprecated List
Global channel_read_buffer (ssh_channel channel, ssh_buffer buffer, uint32_t count, int is_stderr)
Please use ssh_channel_read instead
Module libssh_scp
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_dump_knownhost (ssh_session session)
Please use ssh_session_export_known_hosts_entry()
Global ssh_get_pubkey_hash (ssh_session session, unsigned char **hash)
Use ssh_get_publickey_hash()
Global ssh_get_publickey (ssh_session session, ssh_key *key)
Use ssh_get_server_publickey()
Global ssh_is_server_known (ssh_session session)
Please use ssh_session_is_known_server()
Global ssh_message_auth_password (ssh_message msg)
This function should not be used anymore as there is a callback based server implementation now auth_password_function.
Global ssh_message_auth_pubkey (ssh_message msg)
This function should not be used anymore as there is a callback based server implementation auth_pubkey_function.
Global ssh_message_auth_publickey_state (ssh_message msg)
This function should not be used anymore as there is a callback based server implementation auth_pubkey_function
Global ssh_print_hexa (const char *descr, const unsigned char *what, size_t len)
Please use ssh_print_hash() instead
Global ssh_scp_accept_request (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_close (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_deny_request (ssh_scp scp, const char *reason)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_free (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_init (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_integer_mode (const char *mode)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_leave_directory (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_new (ssh_session session, int mode, const char *location)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_pull_request (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_push_directory (ssh_scp scp, const char *dirname, int mode)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_push_file (ssh_scp scp, const char *filename, size_t size, int mode)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_push_file64 (ssh_scp scp, const char *filename, uint64_t size, int mode)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_read (ssh_scp scp, void *buffer, size_t size)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_read_string (ssh_scp scp, char *buffer, size_t len)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_request_get_filename (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_request_get_permissions (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_request_get_size (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_request_get_size64 (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_request_get_warning (ssh_scp scp)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_string_mode (int mode)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_scp_write (ssh_scp scp, const void *buffer, size_t len)
Please use SFTP instead
Global ssh_write_knownhost (ssh_session session)
Please use ssh_session_update_known_hosts()